Looking for Big and Fucking Impressive? Step back and understand sh*t you love first.


it was so nice to be outta the house and network again. 

Avi, along with some of my other coaches have always been encouraging me to do more vid’s. 

I get it. I know the value in it but it’s always so confusing to know what to do or how to build your businesses, social.

Last night, before I went into the dinner event, I had set an intention, a goal. I did this because I value my time. I don’t wanna go anywhere my business doesn’t benefit. Anywhere, for the next 1.5 years. May seem harsh, but its just the way I do things so please save your comments about balance. This is just the way I operate and I’m doing it with awareness.


My intention: Notice what makes me feel the happiest while communicating with people. Which conversations really make me wanna talk about the topic more.

To my absolute surprise, 2 topics at the table made me stretch out my neck and wanna really listen in on the conversations.

1. The young guy sitting across from me. He started a podcast which completely changed his life path. He interviewed people, which gave me inspiration to do something I have been thinking of for years but didn’t think my idea was good enough. Def connecting with him to explore my idea which includes entrepreneurial leaders. I LOVE being around teachers, leaders, people that have made it through the rut. I forgot how much I enjoyed power and stories. I love being around power, yang, male energy (by this I don’t mean I love being around only males, I also mean females that have a super strong, bull-headed male energy while residing in a female body). With power come stories of failure. Thats what I enjoy. Truth in people. People who allow vulnerability. 

2. I LOVE sharing stories about my son and I. I share them because there is always a lesson learned in each story. Not just for Armaan, but also for me. Thats why I share the stories on social. Seems so obvious to those who follow me but for me it was eye opening realization last night. To think… I’m an okay Mother???? Say wwwhhhhaaattt? 

I have never, ever thought for once that one of my purposes in this life time was to be a mother. Never. When I look at good mom’s they have always had the freedom to be at every game, take their children on vacations and family trips, family dinners  etc. 

I was never that. Firstly, I was drowning in my own sorrow the last 8 years. then, I was busy finding my own identity as a person and entrepreneur. 

But, no. along the way… I actually was able to raise a really good human. 

And I am proud of it, other wise I would not have spoken and shared my experiences in regards to parenting with the group. 

And, the group was attentive, interested, listening.

Which has given me the confidence to say, I am a good mama, and maybe I’ll share my stories of coping with a teen (as a widow) on my youtube channel. 

Yesterday gave me insights on the way business has changed. People want the real person behind the business. His/her lifestyle and they wanna see it. They wanna follow it in video form. FB, IG, Youtube Lives are even better. That is how social has changed entrepreneurship.

Which is perfect, cause 5 years ago when I would share my personal lifestyle on my business page people would send me hate mail on how unprofessional I was.

Lets see what I do with all of this information. I’m not even sure yet. 

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